A happy, healthy, wondrous, prosperous, love-filled New Year to you all. Welcome to the ‘new look’ website courtesy of Matt Evenden (www.starfishconsultants.co.uk).
January kicks off with 3 projects for me. On January 6th my production company records MY MOTHER WAS AN ALIEN IS THAT WHY I’M GAY by Nigel Fairs (www.nigelfairs.com) This comedy/drama will launch a new business, DOWNLOAD DRAMA, which will consist of plays lasting approximately an hour. I hope to gather in a library of audio drama for your enjoyment, and will launch the company later this year.
On January 9th to 13th I record an episode of DOCTORS. An hysterical part of a slightly sex-craved woman of a certain age, fighting for her man. Couldn’t resist it.
On January 14th I start the second tour of PULLING FACES which is going to begin in Tunbridge Wells and end in Los Angeles on February 18th. (www.tlcproductions.co.uk) The whole of January 14th is being given over to raising money for Compaid and is called Big Blue Box (Book tickets here), culminating in a performance of PULLING FACES at 5.00pm.
On January 11th we are launching the Big Finish Fourth Doctor audio series that I recorded with Tom Baker last year (pictured). I am so proud of them, and hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed recording.
The next ‘definite’ dates in my diary are the four Sundays throughout May. Nigel Fairs and I co-wrote a play last year, and the fruits of our labours will be performed at The Brighton Festival (www.brightonfestival.org). I’m secretly holding my breath on this one, thinking it could be something very special. The title, at the moment, is MY GAY BEST FRIEND.
Last year I had a ‘big’ birthday and have found it incredibly liberating. This coming year my children turn 30 and 28, I can hardly believe it. I have more writing projects on the go and the work with my teenage students gathers momentum. Please do go to the website if you have a teenager in the Kent/East Sussex area who may be interested in joining our Sunday group.
Charities which I am supporting this year are Nottingham CYF Project (www.nottinghamcyfproject.org.uk), DAVSS (www.davss.org.uk) and Pepenbury (www.pepenbury.info). To which end I am saying here that I’m afraid I shall no longer be posting out free signed photographs. I recently had some new ones done, and have been replying to fan mail with one enclosed, only to find them being sold on EBay. I’m sorry to those of you who genuinely seek a signed photo, but from now on you can order them through the shop for a donation of £5 which will be split between the above charities.
Last year was very full for me, with a tour of PULLING FACES, Steven Berkoff’s OEDIPUS, and the television series of DOC MARTIN. The short film I recorded in 2010, Cleaning Up (www.guerrierbrothers.com) is now award winning…and I kick off the new year with so much going on, almost too much, but I’m saying that very quietly so the Universe doesn’t think I want anything to be any different.
With a pledge to update this blog more often this year, I send you love and gratitude. May you receive everything you need and almost all of what you wish for. Louise x