I OMG OMG OMG Just in the last week I’ve been offered… DOC MARTIN as the mother-out-of-law from Hell, and I’m thrilled. Huge admirer of Martin Clunes’ work, and although I’ve only read one script we lock horns right royally.
Also been offered a tour of SEASON’S GREETINGS directed by the gorgeous Robin Herford who I’ve worked with many times before (my husband in SECRET DIARY OF ADRIAN MOLE) and as a director on CONFUSIONS, BEDROOM FARCE, CORPSE and ARSENIC AND OLD LACE. We’re ‘doing the deal’ at the moment but am confident we’ll reach an amicable conclusion.
Also heavily involved in Brighton Festival this year, directing two shows and acting in one. Click the video below to see more.
My trips to the other side of the world for Doctor Who conventions have been postponed due to the terrible earthquakes and tsunami. Such suffering is totally unimaginable. My heart goes out to them. Such a cliché in the face of such devastation. It certainly puts everything into perspective.
Health, love and peace to you all. Louise x
STOP PRESS: I’m back working with Tom Baker, six stories for BIG FINISH, can you Adam and Eve it?!